Wednesday, September 29, 2010

EgYpT day#2

After we woke up and left the Kibbutz, we crossed the border INTO AFRICA!!!!!! We drove for a really long time across the Sinai peninsula and desert. On the drive down we were reminded of the rules for Egypt:
1. NO WATER - you can only use bottled water, even to brush your teeth
2. no fruit
3. no veggies (oh how sad because i eat those all the time. this was the hardest rule for me......)
4. bathrooms are NOT free
5. bathrooms do not have soap
6. bathrooms do not have toilet paper
7. bathrooms do not have toilets sometimes. turkish style baby- aka hole in the ground.
8. no cold foods- only eat hot things.

We drove under the Suez Canal and then we were in CAIRO!
I really really loved Cairo- it was super green along the Nile, the traffic was cRaZy, the apartment buildings were all red brick with each window a different frame and color with laundry hanging out. and trash everywhere. it gave it a certain charm. (weird i know but i liked the trash haha)
the biggest thing about Cairo was the juxtaposition of ancient with modern. i would see flashy cars driving next to men wearing turbans riding a donkey cart. i would see skyscrapers and then the Pyramids peeking in between them. (ps i literally screamed when i saw the pyramids- they just flashed before me unexpectedly. awesome moment) i liked to wave at all the people on the street- especially the little kids going to school.

we stayed at a posh hotel the Oasis. it was an outdoor complex with private rooms and green lawns everywhere. we dropped off our bags and headed to a light and sound show at the Pyramids and Sphinx! I actually got teary eyed sitting in my seat thinking that I was actually at the Pyramids. I remembered all the times as a little girl I wished to go to Egypt and promising myself that I would make it there one day. (in 6th grade I got a little obsessed and started passingnotes to my bff in hieroglyphics... i am just a nerd) AMAZING FIRST NIGHT!!!!!

light show:

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