Saturday, October 9, 2010

Old City Sites and Shfelah Field Trip

in one of our classes we were given an assignment that completely rocks. dr. chadwick gave us a three page list of places to go before the end of the semester, and we are just suppose to go around and site see! i love school here. four sites some girls and i checked off the list were
1. Church of the Flagellation

2. Sister of Zion Convent: huge caves under the city

3. Roman Plaza: gate and stones from Jesus's time under Damascus Gate

4. RoMe Of ThE rOcK!!!!!! the men there made the two blonde girls (mel and i) wear some fashionable covering. don't you just love it? i just might take it home with me :)

our last field trip was all about the low hills of Israel aka the Shfelah. we went to Gath- the Philistine city Golaith was from and where dr. chadwick excavates. it was so cool to be at a site with the actual and current archeaologist. we showed us some amazing things and let us take some pottery shards.

next was the ancient fortified cities of Mareshah and Lachish.

then to the Elah Valley where David slew Golaith! we got to throw stones with a sling. pretty awesome. i am one deadly shot.

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