Saturday, November 6, 2010


let me start off by saying i love love love Bethlehem. it was so quaint, beautiful and just so great. the streets were windy, clean, narrow and the houses were mostly white with blue shutters. and can i just tell you that this was my first sight right off the bus- just shepherds leading sheep across the street. too classic! so our day in bethlehem was a blast! we started off by going to bethlehem university where our islamic professor also teaches. it is a christian school that has both muslim and christian students. here is their lovely chapel:
after we got a tour of campus and had a question and answer session with some students. then we got free time to go mingle and talk with some more students. here are the new friends i made:
this girl and i started talking in line at the snack bar and we bonded over justin bieber. that's right folks. justin bieber. we might have even broke out into a chorus of "Baby". it made me really happy!
this was on the bus after bethlehem university. some of the boys played basketball with the other students.
justin came on the bus all sweaty from playing.
and to wipe off his sweat he took the bus seat cover and mopped off his face! sick nasty!
a minute later us girls asked chris to take a picture for us.
and as he counts down "one.. two... three..."
he suddenly throws the sweaty bus cover with justin's sick nasty sweat onto us!
and this was our reaction:
for lunch we went to the Shepherd's Tent. authentic, local and delicious! it was actually a massive tent with low couches and tables you ate at. waiters came by with platters of hot pita, chicken on skewers, beef, and fruit. we ate with Dr. Muhlestein our Old Testament professor. we just love his stinkin guts!!!!!
after lunch was church of the nativity. and just like your classic christian sites it was 1. PACKED 2. long lines 3. dark chapels with lots of insense 4. parts under construction 5. only get two seconds at the site after hours waiting to see it. hahah but i really loved it. the chapel was beautiful and the grotto was as well. we sang christmas hymns as well and it was beautiful.

later that week we went back to Bethlehem to Shepherd's Field to celebrate christmas. we had a devoitional at sunset. we had musical numbers and bore testimonies. i played my violin and it was a very memorable night. it will be something i think of every christmas eve. i love the little town of bethlehem with all my heart.

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